Texas Target Communities Partner with Nolanville to Plan Tech-Based Approaches
Date: 2/6/2020
Residents in the small central Texas town of Nolanville are partnering with Texas A&M students to plan for their town's future with "smart," tech-based approaches.
The project is hosted by ENDEAVR, a multidisciplinary project headed by urban planning professor Wei Li, and Texas Target Communities (TxTC).
According to their website ENVEAVR stands for Envisioning the Neo-traditional Development by Embracing the Autonomous Vehicles Realm. It is an interdisciplinary project-based learning platform that connects students from the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) disciplines with industries and communities.
TxTC is partnering with the City of Nolanville once again to update the city’s comprehensive planning, which was completed in 2015. Since then, the city has implemented 90% of the recommendations and acquired $2.6 million.
Through the ENDEAR project, TxTC is working with over 100 students from 5 disciplines who will be thinking of innovative ideas to bring smart technology to rural communities. Students are exploring how to re-envision small towns utilizing technology and how technology can make our communities more efficient, equitable, resilient, and adaptive.
Click HERE for some local news coverage from the event in Nolnaville!

(Photo credit: Texas Target Communites Facebook)

(Photo credit: Texas Target Communites Facebook)

(Photo credit: Texas Target Communites Facebook)

(Photo credit: Texas Target Communites Facebook)